Thursday, April 15, 2010

Conduct your blooming in the noise and discipline of the whirlwind

As much as using the New York City subway system is a pain, I must give props to the many art work in the different stations.

Today, on my way home, I was early enough to miss the crazy (and sometimes brutal) New York City rush hour. I took my time and enjoyed going up the steps without battling with the usual sea of humanity. It was eerily quiet and almost empty. I enjoyed the silence, the space and yes, THE MOSAIC ART!

The 59th Street and Lexington Avenue station was decorated with a colorful large-scale mosaic mural entitled Blooming, by Elizabeth Murray. The words "Conduct your blooming in the noise and discipline of the whirlwind" float from the coffee cups immortalizing Gwendolyn Brooks’s words. As Murray says in an interview about her art, "I had this vision of people getting up really early, half in a dream state, putting on their clothes, drinking a cup of coffee and getting on the subway to go to work".

It’s interesting to know that a lot of this ceramic work began when the subway system originally opened on October 27, 1904.

Things like this are reasons why I love New York.


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